What shaving category do you fall in???
Shave everyday no matter what? or Shave every couple days or when you’re showing your legs?
I’m a shave every single day type of gal!! Even in the Winter. I just hate the feel of hair stubble.

I’m a big believer in quality products, especially products I’m using on my body. Flamingo offers a new kind of body care that’s priced for everyone. They believe quality products can lead to a positive body image. And what’s super cool is that they set aside 1% of sales to support nonprofit organizations that are working to support a healthy body image. You can find out more about those organizations here.
So no matter what type of shaving girl you are, a pretty razor is always fun!! Flamingo razors come in 4 colors. I have the desert rose & silver. Who can pass up pink??!! The razor has an easy-to-hold handle with grippers so it doesn’t slip when wet. A huge positive for me! And it has a swivel head to easily handle all those sensitive areas…knees, underarms, bikini area. The blade cartridge also has a hydrating strip for a more comfortable shave.
Besides razors, Flamingo also has everything else you need to get that smooth skin for Spring!! Shaving gel, face and body wax kits, cream for ingrown hairs and a body lotion for when you’re all done!!
I’m sharing all of their products below!

Thank you to Flamingo for sponsoring today’s post.