It’s that time of year when we really start making travel plans…spring break, weekend getaways and summer vacations!!

We are a family that takes multiple vacations throughout the year. Most are mini trips but we usually have 1 or 2 bigger trips during the year.
My kids used to be on a year-round school schedule, until my oldest hit middle school, then we switched to a traditional school calendar. We loved the year-round schedule for that season of our lives. It worked out great for them academically when they were younger because they didn’t have the “forget everything they had learned” long Summer break. The breaks were only about 3 weeks, but they came every 9 weeks. So that allowed us to take a lot of mini vacations. Which we loved!!
My daughter is a freshman in high school this year (which is crazy!!) and we had the realization that we really only have 4 more spring breaks/summer vacations left with her before she leaves for college. Yes we can take vacations when she’s in college, but life will be completely different then. So we are going to take advantage of the next 4 years and take some big, epic vacations!!
This year is Italy!!!
We are so pumped for this trip. It’s actually the first time my kids will travel out of the US (besides the Bahamas) and overseas. Now is the perfect time because they are old enough to handle the long plane ride and appreciate the history and beauty of another country. And will hopefully remember it. We’ve been talking about and planning this trip for months. Everything is scheduled and reserved. Now we just wait!! And maybe learn a little Italian! We have some other smaller vacations planned too that you’ll see in Instagram over the next year, but nothing as big as this trip!
If you’ve been to Italy, we’d love any tips or recommendations.
So when I saw this sweatshirt I thought it was a perfect travel sweatshirt. Or just to lounge around in!! The color is bright and gorgeous and it’s a super soft material. I’m wearing a small for reference. At the end of this post, I’ve rounded up some other adorable travel sweatshirts and tees.
I’ve also been on the hunt for black sneakers. I have black slip on sneakers, but wanted a true sneaker. Not for the gym or working out, just to wear around town! I love the old-school vibe of these. They come in other colors too. If they don’t have your size, keep checking because they keep restocking, or check here.